I am new to this forum. I was suprised to see D A Morgan appeal to the old chesnut that thousands of people agree with me and only a few disagree. Climate change is not popularity poll regardless of the credentials (or lack thereof) of the voters.
It is also unacceptable to call names (troll) and refer to someones supposed bias without at least expressing your own.

It is also unreasonable to assume that everyone you disagree with works for an industry you disagree with or can easily demonize. Much of the climate change argument revloves around long term effects. Much of the long term effects of temerature change as well as others effects is contained within the geological record. Many high quality scientists in the geosciences work for Exxon and other oil companies. To ignor their high quality input is bad science.

I am a Phd Geophysicist(no I do not work for Exxon or any other oil company) and I think a review of the last time we had high co2 levels on the planet is very instructional. Needless to say it does not agree with the large effects predicted by many of the large number scientists who are predicting disaster.