An Electronic cigarette came onto the UK market today.

Ever since the public smoking of cigarettes was banned in the UK some weeks ago, die-hard smokers have taken to smoking out in the street. Even leaving their restaurent or club to go outside and have a quick smoke.
Sidewalks have become littered with discarded 'butts' with people taking a quick smoke before entering Supermarket, Cinema, or Club. Now the chinese have produced an Electronic cigarette that can be smoked legally anywhere.

Same size same weight and very realistic looking. Inside it holds
a watch battery, a capsule of nicotine, a capsule of liquid smoke
and a red LED that glows thru the plastic ash at the end, every time you inhale. So every time you inhale you get a microgram shot of nicotine, and the end glows red. once you stop inhaling,
the cigarette exhales a puff of smoke from the end.
Each E-Cig lasts the equivalent of a pack of 30 normal cigarettes

Apparently its so realistic, the worry is that some one is going to call the law, get you arrested, or else take the law into their own hands, and give you a 'knuckle duster'

It could get interesting.'s+legal+indoors/


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.