This site started out as an open, free to post site several years ago. After being overrun by a group of vandals I refer to as "peeny-pumpers", it reformed again around a science theme. There was an invasion of people seeking to convert it to a dating and mating site. This was thwarted, and it continued to be an open site for posting science and science related topics. An invasion of biblical fundamentalists threatened to overwhelm the site, and eventually it was transformed into the present, register-to-post format, with moderators. Kate is the manager, and the moderators winnow the posts and try to keep the general peace. So long as what you post has something to do with science, even in the most general terms, it will be respected. We currently have a few posters who wander into the realm of religion from time to time, and even those are tolerated to a high degree. Posts that have nothing to do with science will likely disappear. We try to keep things on topic, but as you can see from reading the forum, many times the topic strays into further topics. So the title of the thread may not conform to its subject matter after a while.

That's a brief history. Hope that helps.


If you don't care for reality, just wait a while; another will be along shortly. --A Rose