may i suggest the following-

1. responsibility comes with conciousness and self awareness.
(and human rights)
i think if you want rights you have to have responsibilities.

that`s one reason why animals don`t have human rights, because they can`t be responsible for their actions, whereas a concious, self aware human can.

2. guilt is the result of not fulfilling responsibilities.
eg.. we have a responsibility not to destroy the planet since
it doesn`t belong to us.
(this includes collective guilt of the species for communal

3. probably, current global society has to collapse entirely for
stewardship to be accepted by one and all. but i really hope

4. and yes, i give a very big damn, actually.
unlike the universe at large.

seemingly, the wider cosmos is hugely and profoundly
indifferent to the existence of human beings,so we must set
our own benchmark for life.

my favourite is ``do what you want,and harm no-one``