Unbelievable.......this is a science forum, and there is people arguing that because "Pappy" says he used to be able to walk across the Fraser River in 1939, that we must be in an anthro-CO2 initiated global warming event.
Anecdotes are not science.

Real science says that the average temperature for the US (the country that has over 25% of the world's climate stations), has a temp trend that is well within the uncertainty range(0.21C over the last 86 years, or 0.024C per decade).

BUT THE US IS ONLY 2% OF THE WORLD'S SURFACE!!!!! People cry. Of course it is, but that 2% of the world's surface (5% of the land area) is the best monitored. It has 25% of the climate stations used in the GISS estimate, it has the most rural stations (don't tell me don't tell me that surrounding a thermometer by asphalt doesn't impact the observations), and it's telling a different story then the rest of the world. Is the difference because of regional differences in temperature trends? Or does it boil down to crappy data used for the rest of the world?

Garbage in = garbage out