Is there really such a thing as Dark Matter?

Dark Matter is invisible, and has never been observed. Yet it is believed to exist, because the 'Gavitational Maths' that we use to account for the reason that rotating Galaxies are held together, predict that about 25% of the Universe is composed of dark matter, as opposed to only 5% which is the more common (to us) visible matter.

Questions about Dark Matter's very existence will now have to be re-examined, since NASA's Chandra X-ray observatory and optical telescopes revealed a core, of Dark matter, but the bright optical Galaxies seem to have flown away from the core.

The whole theoretical basis of Dark Matters existence, is that although invisible...It still possesses gravitational attraction.

However, when the Chandra data of the galaxy cluster system known as Abell 520 was mapped along with the optical data from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and Subaru Telescope atop Mauna Kea, HI, a puzzling picture emerged. A dark matter core was found, which also contained hot gas but no bright galaxies.

Scientists all over the world are getting concerned over conflicting questions raised by dark matter.

I have included a previous discussion we have had in this forum. An answer which seems too simplistic to be true?

Yet either way, the truth will change Physics as we know it today.

Last edited by Mike Kremer; 08/20/07 01:36 AM.


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.