May I offer another analogy if the parking ticket is not well liked?

Nellie McClung - non-Canadians may not know of her, but she played a pivotal role in getting Canadian women the right to vote. She is seen as Canada's first feminist, and is rightfully held up as a Canadian that should be honoured (she's actually on our $50 bill).

Trouble is, she was also a ardent supporter of eugenics. In 1924, the "United Farm Women of Alberta", of which she was a dominant force, launched a support campaign for the implementation of a province wide sterilization plan. The plan first focused on the mentally ill, but was soon expanded to include those with epilepsy and syphilis. Almost 5000 people in Alberta alone were sterilized. McClung then moved to British Columbia, and helped BC develop similar legislation.

So, let me ask you, do you throw the baby out with the bath water? Nellie McClung championed both eugenics and women's rights. Because of her stance on eugenics, does that in itself call into question her stance on women's rights?

I say not at all. The world isn't black or white, there's many shades of grey.