I'm ambidextrous; equally clumsy with both hands. I make lots of mistakes when I type, and have to look at what I'm typing from time to time. I type equally poorly with both hands. I'm very good at tying knots. In fact I helped my son learn to tie knots for Scouts. He said I was a better teacher than the scout master. I sign my name lefthanded, but I can write with my right, just not as well. Less practice. I have adapted to a right side mouse pad, but prefer to use left handed. I broke my left wrist recently and came to understand just how dependent I am on both hands. You never know what you use until you lose it. I'm glad it's temporary. :-)

Last edited by Amaranth Rose II; 08/08/07 12:55 AM.

If you don't care for reality, just wait a while; another will be along shortly. --A Rose