Here is another article that talks about the global elite and how they operate. This goes well with my ealier post. They cover much of the same ground.

When you talk about anthropogenic global warming you have to understand who is funding it. The focus has always been on the oil companies and how they fund the anti side but little or no consideration is given to the pro side and how they stand to gain financially or how they corrupt science to achieve what they want. My friend's article was pointing that out and how the big foundations and the global elite have played this game over generations.

The Global Elite: Who are they?


It is also important to understand that core globalists have full understanding of their goals, plans and actions. They are not dimwitted, ignorant, missinformed or naive.

The global elite march in three essential columns: Corporate, Political and Academic. For the sake of clarity, these names will be used herein to refer to these three groups.

In general, the goals for globalism are created by Corporate. Academic then provides studies and white papers that justify Corporate's goals. Political sells Academic's arguments to the public and if necessary, changes laws to accommodate and facilitate Corporate in getting what it wants.

It's not Global Warming, it's Ice Age Abatement.