From the article:

"Planktos, Inc.— a for-profit company — will dump up to 100 tons of iron dust this month in a 36 square mile area located approximately 350 miles west of the Galapagos Islands. Planktos, Inc. plans to dump the iron in international waters using vessels neither flagged under the United States nor leaving from the United States so U.S. regulations such as the U.S. Ocean Dumping Act do not apply and details do not need to be disclosed to U.S. entities".

If they're a "for-profit company" where does the profit lie in this venture? Are they disposing of surplus iron dust? From China perhaps? Is the fact "details do not need to be disclosed to U.S. entities" important for the success of their venture?

It sounds a bit like eutrophication, a problem for water of limited volume but presumably not to such an extent in the ocean.