Cannot you all love one another? This, I find, is one of the bad fruits of our evolution, is that we have many disagreements between each other. One could presume that this is due to eons of survival of the fittest, in which we competed. And now, we still are in a seemingly competition with one another. We all think that our worldview or philosophy or religion is correct, and that those who don't agree with us are "irrational" or "impeding progress" or something of the sort. We all disagree with one another, I am sure that you are aware of that terrytnewzealand.
We must not be so dogmatic; both those who beleive in evolution or creationism, or anything for that matter. We must put aside our differences and realize that no matter what happened thousands or millions of years ago, we are all family. Perhaps from a common ancestor or from God's handiwork. Disagreement can only hinder us from making this world a greater place. We must rise above the ashes of which we are now given, in order to make a more perfect future. Not engage in archaic name-calling or anything of the sort.