Male circumcision does NOT help to combat STDs, this is a myth, if you teach your sons to wash their penis everyday, same as brushing your teeth, hygiene is the same. If you don't wash a circumcised penis, it will be unhygenic just the same. It gals me that women, especially mothers, are quick to circumcise their sons, largely for aesthetic reasons. This, of course, is child abuse. What if fathers were pushing for breast enlargement for their daughters?

Male circumcision has nothing to do with christianity. It is virtually non-existent in Europe, including Northern Protestant Europe, in case y'all think it's a Catholic thing NOT to circumcise and you don't regard Catholics as real christians. Also Latin America, Caribean, not big on circumcision.
Male Circumcision occurs in just 3 societies/groups in the world: Jewish, Muslim and ... America!!! Which is the only rich country/OESO-nation where it occurs hugely. of course america is different from other rich countries in many socio-economic ways, guns, more crime, very religious (due to tax-reasons), huge teen pregnancy, huge gap between rich and poor etc.
Male circumcision is big in america (and the uk perhaps) because of the victorian morals, it was seen as a means to combat masturbation.