I agree with a lot of what you said there Tim although you are probably aware I'm an atheist. You wrote:

"in Chemistry, we learn about moles and computing grams, just to find how many grams would be in a substance if another in the same equation has X grams. In effect, we learn how to use the formulas, but not why they are formulas in the first place."

You mostly learn that stuff so that you can be an effective lab technician. When I did my teacher training I realised that "It would help if they teach us about former scientists observations". If you are aware of how early scientists reached their conclusions you understand the subject much better. History is important.

Regarding evolution. Most teachers don't understand how it happens anyway so how can they explain it? You need a good understanding of genetics, geology, botany, zoology and plant and animal breeding before you begin to understand it. Look forward to hearing more from you. "We are given religious diversity and free speech. Let us not upset that by chronicling the faults of others, let us rise up, together, united. Let us break the bonds of our society, and rise up into a more glorious future." Note, I'm not limiting it to America.