Yes, Ellis, Malaysia does have Sharia Law. She took her case to the civil court, and you're right, the judge was doing her a favour. Had it been the Sharia court, she would almost certainly have been punished for her 'crime' against Islam.

I have some idea about Malaysian law. I spent time there in the 1970's. "Bhumi putra" (son's of the soil), the native ethnic group that is 60% of the population, have privileges in all aspects of life - in education, business, housing and more. Take housing, for example. At the time when I visited the country, if a Muslim Malay wished to buy a new house, he would be required to make an initial down payment of 10%. For a non-Muslim, such as a Chinese-Malaysian, the figure was 25%. Furthermore, the law stated that 75% of all new housing estates must be reserved for bhumi-putra. in the same way, university places are reserved, irrespective of academic merit. There's one taxation system for ethnic Malays, and another for the rest.

This is the religious subjugation of politics, and religious suppression and discrimination against 40% of a nation's people - by divine right.

Doesn't religion do wonderful things for the world?

"Time is what prevents everything from happening at once" - John Wheeler