Infants stun scientists with 'amazing' insights:
Babies only look clueless - they know a lot more than you think

"...they can hear the difference between foreign language sounds that elude most adults."

"Infants in their first six months can tell the difference between two monkey faces that an older person would say are identical, and they can match calls that monkeys make with pictures of their faces."

"...presented in the May 25 issue of the journal Science, is that infants just 4 months old can tell whether someone is speaking in their native tongue or not without any sound, just by watching a silent movie of their speech. This ability disappears by the age of 8 months...."

Originally Posted By: ...just from a related link. FOR AN ENJOYABLE READ
Title: She moves in mysterious ways. Theories on why women ....
"Male nipples are trivial; they are laughable. Female orgasm is a definite phenomenon, more Technicolor as opposed to male orgasm."
& "Hence the big red butts advertising "Sexy girl here!" meant to appeal to our visual sense."

"Ben Franklin noted that he could 'understand French better by the help of his spectacles.' "

I bet there are some fascinating genetics involved with brain structure and function. smile


Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.