Originally Posted By: samwik
I don't think I want MORE; but this was a surprisingly easy-to-read style.

Surprisingly novel ideas too (at least to me), and so it was an enjoyable scan -surprisingly.


Well, stop saying nice stuff if you don't want more. Nah, I bet you have zero interest in this topic. But you read? the ideas are DEFINATLY mine. I'm pretty darn smart but a lot of this stems from my job I had moving safes with primative tools. A few years doing that I looked at the pyramids and said "so"?

Enjoyable. Thank you.

Originally Posted By: Amaranth Rose II
I would have enjoyed it more if the right hand side of everything weren't cropped off. It made it much more difficult to understand.

Try the links I gave and see if they work from there. If not you got some setting or sumpin to change.

Originally Posted By: redewenur
Marchimedes, you've obviously given that a lot of thought, as it makes sense. Your presentation is unique. It reminds me of Larry Gonick's "The Cartoon History of the Universe" (from which I learned more history than I did in all my school days!)

Not as much thought as you'd think. Way more thought was given (as I came to the net two years ago PC ignorant, on Paint, copy, posting, hosting, editing and stuff like that. Now look at me...

I'm chock full of tricks.

I like unique. What I strive for. Where has valid scientific theory ever been presented like this before?

Thought I was the first. I'll have to check Gonick. My usual screenanme is "teacher" where that name isn''t already taken. And i'm getting people to learn and they don't even know it.

Thank you guys.

But you might not have said these nice things had my first two images posted.

Lettuce try again...

Well, that's the second one, troubles with the first. Only here though. but it''s just some pics of the Pope blessing me and this thread. I'll have him call it in.

I got other pyramid stuff, any interest?

What? I've a drawing I want here. How I do that?