Originally Posted By: Ellis
I won't say that this is exciting stuff because I got yelled at when I did once before....

You overstate; I don't think that "review" could be called "yelling."

But about your last post (see #21586):

Darn! Please don't perpetuate such innaccurate attributions to me! I would never use language like that!

You are referring to:
"I certainly agree that the sun is a very big player. I did not appreciate the woman who chirpily told us what “exciting news” it was that even our galaxy influences our climate (ala Mike Kremer's post on the Physics forum).

Well, those where some thought's on the film. Overall the soothing gentle tones of the AGW's and the strident shoutings of the PGW's (anti/proGW) gave it the look of a slick propoganda film, similar in style to Incovenient Truth (IT)." -samwik (post #21044)

to which you responded:
Samwik--Since I was probably the "woman" who expressed excitement at the thought of the celestial influences reaching this insignificant planet...."

Hey, I was reviewing (first attempt) "Al Gore's global warming film." I certainly didn't know that "Ellis" was that person I commented about. Please also note the "audio perspective" in the actual review (post #21044)

Although I made the effort to quote the lady in the film correctly, you, Ellis, did not quote me correctly in your response.
And you have NOW attributed to me that horrible phrase, "samwik (I think it was) accused me of being a gushing woman." -Ellis

I guess there's wisdom in the advice to not read your own reviews.
How does "the woman who chirpily told us..." -samwik
translate into "being a gushing woman?" -Ellis

please see the full response at:

So you, Ellis, were really the woman in the film?

Other than that, how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?


Mike, cool post. Will check out later.


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