Blacknad asks: "Did you (LGK) notice when you listed the different types of science from the Wiki article that Pneumatology was notably absent?"

So, what does this prove? That some people are slow learners? smile Or does it prove that there will always be those who see the half-empty glass. smile
If people will take the trouble to look, they will notice that it is not absent from our major dictionaries, nor from Wiki.

Blacknad, you mentioned quacks.

Dr. Szasz's main argument is that they are the ones with the official titles--the so-called qualified therapists.:

Szasz is a critic of the influence of modern medicine on society, which he considers to be the secularisation of religion's hold on human kind.

Criticizing scientism, he targets in particular psychiatry, underscoring its campaigns against masturbation at the end of the 19th century or the use of lobotomy to treat schizophrenia. To sum up his conception of medicine, he declared:

Since theocracy is the rule of God or its priests, and democracy the rule of the people or of the majority, pharmacracy is therefore the rule of medicine, or of doctors.....
Read on. Very interesting.

Recently, The Globe and Mail, Canada's national daily, published this quote from Dr. Szasz:
The greatest analgesic, soporific, stimulant, tranquilizer, narcotic and, to some extent, even antibiotic--in short, the closest thing to a panacea--known to medical science is work.
I will add, "meaningful work".

As a pneumatherapist, this is one of the reasons I am interested in getting people to take CCCurrencies seriously. It's usefulness in helping us have meaningful work and good health can be easily demonstrated. I have been using CCC for decades, while the IMF and the WB has been creating poverty for the have-nots, and profits for the few haves at the top. DEMONSTRATE THAT THIS IS PROPAGANDA, IF YOU CAN.

In 1972, my whole family and I used complementary community currency, in cooperation with the regular kind, to help us spend six weeks in England and to tour Europe.