I wonder if this is due to clearing and growth of grasses or some other succession.


In the June 6 Science, Running and colleagues analyzed historical productivity data from a past generation satellite, AVHRR, covering from 1982 to 1999. “When you combine the Science paper with the two years of MODIS data, we see that the NPP of the terrestrial biosphere has increased over these 20 years. The world really has gotten more productive in plant growth, and the Amazon has had the highest increase in productivity rate,” he says.

They found that since 1982 the NPP is up 6 percent globally and is up 20 percent in the Amazon, which stands out on the new 2002 NPP map. Their historical data suggests that the productivity in the Amazon is accelerating faster than in areas of the northern high latitudes, such as Alaska and Canada, previously thought to be the fastest growing terrestrial carbon sinks. The leading cause of the global productivity increase, the Science authors suggest, is climate change with some contribution from carbon dioxide fertilization and forest regrowth.


Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.