Does cloud seeding happen any more?

Today we have a lot of cloud after a reasonable fall of rain last night (our first in this area for about 4 weeks). I seem to remember that in the 60s(?) there used to be cloud seeding and rain would often follow. Then the weather here became wetter through the 70s and 80s and cloud seeding was no longer carried out. The 90s and 2000s-on have been very dry and now we are so far into dreadful drought that there is talk of completely evacuating 2 towns in SW Queensland. (Climate Change or drought??? that's a big debate here). Then I heard cloud seeding mentioned for the first time in ages on a programme on Climate Change and I wondered why seeding had stopped.

So here are my queries--- Does cloud seeding work?---Is it done anywhere these days?--- And if it does work, why was it stopped?