Originally Posted By: redewenur
Yes, folks, I know the theory is dead (for now - "...in the future this mechanism leads to a decelerated cosmic expansion described by the well-known Einstein-de Sitter cosmological model." - see link below), but I realised that I hadn't given a thought to the physics. I assumed that it would be a reversal of the expansion of space but, taking what you say (DA) as correct, it would not be. It would just be a gravitational collapse within space. Finally, there would be a black hole, which would evaporate by Hawking radiation, right?

Even so, what would be the effect on the curvature of space? Is it possible that space would 'contract' owing to the increasing density of matter?

"Yet is the reason our Milky Way Galaxy is expanding, due to a Universe of lesser density surrounding us?"

Is the Milky Way expanding, Mike? I understood that the expansion of space is apparent only on the intergalactic scale, where the effects of gravity are too weak to overcome it. Intragalactic gravity prevents galaxies from expanding. Groups of galaxies are also held together by gravity. The Great Attractor is a good example of gravity overcoming the expansion of space over hundreds of millions of light years.

Yes, scpg02, it's very interesting - and topical:

"Toward A Unified Description Of Dark Energy And Dark Matter
Posted on Sunday, April 08, 2007 @ 11:47:16 PDT by vlad

Science Daily — From various independent observations, cosmologists have established that ordinary matter, made of protons and neutrons, accounts for only 4% of the total energy content of the Universe. The remaining 96% is made of puzzling ingredients Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Researchers at the Laboratory Universe and Theories from the Observatory of Paris and the Belgian Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique have recently suggested the Abnormally Weighting Energy (AWE) Hypothesis to describe the dark side of the Universe as a revolutionary aspect of gravitational physics...Jean-Michel Alimi and Andr? F?zfa, have proposed the AWE Hypothesis (? Abnormally Weighting Energy ?) in which the dark sector of cosmic matter violates the equivalence principle on cosmological scales."


Hi redewenur,
I'm afraid this is an item where I buck the trend of conventional thinking

Namely 'The Great Attractor' which in my view cannot possibly be attracting our Galaxy, the Milky Way, plus Andromeda, and others, towards itself, by Gravity, over those thousands of light years. Were that true we would see many closer pairs of Galaxies approaching each other. In fact we do not see that, rather most galaxies are all moving away from each other.

Similar to spots painted on the surface of a balloon which is being blown up.

Where I am at odds with conventional thinking is that objects are moving towards the Great Attractor because it is a v large region of particular low density, with a large number of very big Spiral and other Galaxys that make up the Great Attractor.

At first sight, this might seem to be counter intuitive.
Until you realise that all the gases and material in the Attractors area have long ago been condensed down by gravity into the mass of Galaxies that now make up the Great Attractor....leaving a vast region of low density.

Hot may flow to cold, but not in the vacuum of space.

However high density can flow to low density, and operate across the Universe, even better in the vacuum of space.

Globular clusters (probably the oldest collection of stars in the Universe) present some difficulty in accounting for their shape, and formation.

My similar answer to this is - that I personally think Globular clusters will be found to be sitting in an area of low density.

All the original high density gas being 'gravidensed' into what it represents now.

All pictures of gas clouds that Hubble has taken are obviously local regions of a very high density.

You might also note that there are no clouds of matter around any Globular clusters


I dont like to dismiss the existance of invisible matter, but until someone proves that it actually exists, I personally would rather forget about it, and look for other mechanisms to account for the so called gravity of the Great Attractor.

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.....Mike Kremer.


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.