Anyone who was paying attention in high school history and science classes and could remember the weather they experienced over the past 50 years could reason out that Earth's climate has followed certain cycles, from the grand Ice Ages/interglacial scale, to the 1000 year and 60-80 year weather cycles.

The GWers have been trying to warn us of a problem during the very years our 60 yr cycle predicts warming anyways, so it becomes encumbent upon them to prove its an exagerated warming and not the expected warming. Even if they can show it is exagerated, they still have to show its not due to confounding factors like the heat island effect or increased solar activity. Then they'll have to demonstrate that the temps won't fall as expected as the cycle continues. Only time can allow that. One cannot be justified to predict that December temps will be 140 because it goes from 35 in March to 65 in May.

Many of the references I've cited are published on popular sites, but many are from respected, peer reviewed journals, or are summary statements by the authors themselves and not some journalist. I cite the co2science site because it is an easy central clearing house, so to speak, for review of the current literature.

I've noticed that you rarely provide any references at all for your statements.