Recent Archaeological digs here have found that several attempts at populating these islands (Samoa) were made as early as 7,000 years ago, but successful colonizing didn't happen until 2,000 years ago. That Time Line Theory looks valid.

It would also help to explain why so many people are driven to visit Africa. You would not BELIEVE the tourists there. I spent 7 weeks in East Africa in 1997. In fact, it was 10 years ago this month that I went over. One of the most bizarre scenes I have ever experienced took place in a town called Arusha in the Ngorongoro Crater in Northern Tanzania. Busloads (Mercedes Buses, BTW) of frail old Germans pulling up, not even shutting off their diesels, (can't let the Coach get too hot, vershtand?), and these old fogies standing one at a time in front of a line of Maasai to have their photos taken. The photog was another German and he had one of those little battery operated fans. A hot young German Tour Guide in sucked-up tight khaki shorts ushering them along, the Driver whispering, to the girl, "mach schnell, mach schnell", just hilarious.

But the thing is, we DO have some kind of atavistic drive to go to Africa.