European Space Agency Astronomers have discovered the fastest spinning Neutron Star yet. Supposedly spinning at 1122. revs per second.
Previously astronomers had thought that the fastest theoretical spin of a Neutron star would be approx a maximum of 750. revs per second, before break up.
A neutron star is the tiny heart of a collapsed star. Measuring about 10 kilometres across, yet containing something like the mass of the Sun, the interior of a neutron star is the most exotic realm that astronomers can imagine. According to their calculations a thimbleful of neutron star material weighs a hundred million tonnes.

That equates to a peripheral spot speed of about 55,000+ miles per second. Wow.
"You will never find a real Human being - even in a mirror." .....Mike Kremer.


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.