Yes, it is very difficult to say with any certainty, just how this spongy object came about.
My best thoughts are, since the 'tubular craters' are conical, with their surface exits being the larger diameters.
It seems to show that the 'moonlet' was in a plastic state, (hot?) to allow these conical craters to solidify and become fixed, as the outgasses were expanding.
Prehaps it was blown out of some alien Volcanoe?

I think the smooth conical slides which show for 3/4 of the way around the picture center.....are the fractures which blew a great lump of the surface away....allowing us to look deeper inside.
The true suface, as seen further out from the smooth fractures is covered in small craters. Not caused by outside bombardement,
being too deep and dust free.

"You will never find a real Human being - even in a mirror." .....Mike Kremer.


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.