Come to Australia where we are in the 50th day of continuous bushfires in our state. The resultant loss of wildlife is dreadful. Huge areas have burned, we have a horrific drought, we shower dodging buckets which we use to water our dying plants as we have severe water restrictions, and the crop harvest this year has failed. We had an electricity blackout that blacked out a third of the state last week, due to the fires cutting the supply line and the air quality everywhere is appalling due to smoke in the air. Due to the truly heroic efforts of our volunteer firemen, whilst there have been stock and property losses there have been no deaths due to these fires.

As a result of all this our Prime Minister (who refuses to sign the Kyoto Agreement) is beginning to think the perhaps there is something to this Global Warming thing. Certainly there are few disbelievers in the State of Victoria this year! We are living it.