So Blacknad, you think that someone is training, or has trained a little wasp to perform an heroic (if disgusting) feat on another insect whilst all around choas reigns!! It would be simpler to believe in Intelligent Design (or whatever) if it were in fact intelligent. This amazing process with the wasp arose as a response to the main reason we are here- to replicate ourselves into the next generation. The way these wasps function took years of evolution, it is this complexity that seems to argue against intention. Why design something so hideously complicated that requires a whole heap of seemingly random actions to occur when it could all be so much simpler, and surely would have been if it had been planned with intent? There is no Planner it is all random/choas.

Incidentally why is the Trainer/Designer so anti-cockroach. Did he/she/it not design that poor creature too?