Wolfman wrote:
"If you can't reach these guys, how do you reach Joe Six-Pack, and the Ladies watching "Desperate Housewives"?"

I know and it is as poignant to me as were the nuclear tipped ICBMS of the Soviet Union in the 60's. This is also a war in which there will be no winners.

My suspicion as to the solution is two-fold.

First ... one can read Neil Postman's "Amusing Ourselves to Death" and at least understand the enemy.

Second ... everyone seems to feel that resistance if futile. And yet they are unwilling to muster the courage to confront the corporate corruption that is the true enemy.

Mike wrote:
"I firmly believe that Science will eventually come to rescue our world."

I'm not. There is no evidence to support this. Science without funding will not solve the problem. And funding would necessitate stopping the denial.

DA Morgan