Blacknad wrote:
"It will take nothing less than a breakdown of Western Civilization to stop this headlong slide into an orgy of acquisition at all costs."

Just once I'd like to read a newstory or a report by a reputable economist that would give me grounds to disagree with you. An excuse to demand a link supporting your preposterous contention: Alas I can't.

In the Seattle Times this morning the report was that the US has increased its debt by 300% in just six years. I could point out that those 6 years were while we were managed by "conservatives" but that would just be throwing stones. The truth is that John Q. Public doesn't want to hear the truth from his elected political hack. We elect people to represent our hopes and aspirations and I aspire to keep spending like there is no tomorrow.

In the US we keep hearing the moronic drumbeat about how unfair it is to have a death tax ... a renaming of the estate tax. Yet where is the politico willing to stand up and talk about the birth tax? The tax burden we put on everyone born that immediately assumes a burden of $365,000 and will pay for a lifetime for their parent's irresponsibility?

How does this rant tie into climate? It is exactly the same thing ... we are throwing garbage into air, water, and land ... and leaving it for the next generation to deal with. Another birth tax by the selfish and irresponsible baby-boom generation.

Is part of global warming the fact that I am hot about this? <g>

DA Morgan