no, the fact that the earth could do this long before man was even a distant possiblity. the earth was handling this long before the dinosaurs and will continue handling it long after man is a distant forgotten fossil.

as ive said the meteorology ppl are basising this on the believe that what the world was like 200 years ago is the right conditions for the earth. they dont consider that the earth had a much higher co2 lvl in the past.

explain something to me.

dinosaurs were big creatures. the meat eaters required huge amount of meat much of which came from plant eaters. for the plant eater to have the kind of mass that would feed the meat eaters the plants had to be large. our current atmosphere and climate does not allow plants to grow like that. only an environment
much higher in co2 could sustain that kind of plant. yet ppl like you claim that that kind of co2 would ruin the world. please explain how it did not ruin the world back then.

in addition the plants required a much higher lvl of water vapor and rain than is currently possible with our environment. yet life existed then, and if other life could exist then, we can adapt to it.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.