It is inconceivable to me that after 5,000+ years of what we call civilization we are no more advanced in our ability to deal with humanity's problems than we ever were.

Sure we've made technological progress. We have developed huge pools of knowledge around medicine, nutrition, physics, chemistry, etc. But we still have Darfur. We still have Iraq. We still have Lebanon. And we still have Paris Hilton making more money than a school teacher.

We have given people freedom of choice. And they have chosen poorly. That doesn't mean a King or Emporer or aristocrisy would make better choices. But the evidence of self-inflicted tragedy is everywhere to see.

On our plate right now and being soundly ignored:
1) global warming
2) oceans running out of fish
3) genocide in many countries

The dreams of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Thomas Jefferson are given nothing but lip service.

DA Morgan