Anyman: Do you consider it a failing that scientists admit they don't know a lot?
no...not at all

in fact, it is refreshing

the problem is that in the meantime, they (and i exclude myself because i am rarely guilty of the same) are telling us that such and such a paradigm is a fact ('...as sure as the earth moves around the sun')

it is not until someone has the courage either to report or to publish that the acknowledgement comes out that we really didn't know what we were talking about before...or even rarer, that we were wrong

take the H3/big bang issue that has been in the news recently, for example...

they think they have now solved the problem (and they may or may not have) with the most recent explanation...but before that you didn't hear many, or any very loudly, acknowledging that there was much of a problem at all...it was largely ignored in terms of reporting...as are so many other of the problems with the big bang

"But there are inconsistencies with the amount of Helium 3 predicted to be in the universe and the amount that's actually there; there's much less than expected."
--john lattanzio, monash u

and then they have their pundits, that claim things like "everything that has ever been tested with regard to the big bang [or its myriad inflationary modifications, etc] has held up and supported the paradigm" (brackets mine, am) (that is a paraphrase rather than a direct quote, but it captures the essential message of its claimants, some of and at least one of whom posts regularly here :-)

that's why i enjoy editorializing *surprise*

btw, i largely agree with your other comments in this thread (and terrytnz's as well)...ie, it does make sense and good sense at that

i also agree with al, that CO2 increase (if such is the case, and whether or not it is manmade) is going to make things greener and will probably lead to more things pleasant than unpleasant

sorry, al...you get lumped with us fundy guys on this one, eh :-)

i mean the "garden of eden" isn't really going to return to this earth...the new one perhaps, but this one is reserved for destruction (and i mean atomization, along with the rest of the present universe :-)

hey, call it a prediction :-)