Originally posted by DA Morgan:
dehammer wrote:

To quote Bart Simpson: Duh!

what in the world is that. i did not write that. so did i suppose to link it at. ive never seen that link before.

now your making things up.

that is about "International Year of Deserts and Desertification", something that i had not even heard of it until you claimed i linked to it.

Originally posted by DA Morgan:
We learn more with time ... not less.
Our measurements become more accurate and precise.

For you to build a grand conspiracy out of it and proclaim that it all adds up to the fact that the Arctic, Antarctic, and Greenland are not melting is preposterous on its face.

PS: Scientists also adjust older earthquake data. Does that mean the current data is not trustworthy?
the measurements were there, and needed no adjustments. now they claim that they were showing the temperature to be too warm, yet they dont explain why they have to keep dropping those temperatures, on a continual bases. What was there more urban heating then than there is now? how were the sea temperatures readings so much higher than they were suppose to have been? there certainly was no urban heating in areas the sea covered. so why do they have to be adjusted.

also averaging is not a good scientific method for the very reason that they listed as reason for doing so.

1) the older records did not show a lot of southern results, now they do.

2) much of the older data was from northern hemisphere, and mostly in cities. That puts it mostly with u.s., england and other areas many of which were in colder regions, making the major contribution. later data used more from the equatorial areas and southern area. so of course they will be warmer.

3) can someone please explain why this looks so much like the much discredited Mann hockey stick graphs, yet is suppose to be taken seriously.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.