Hi dehammer,

Well put. It is very difficult to get any funding unless you are willing to agree with the basic principals that is the general concensus. I should know, I am just about finished getting a grant and the hassles were enormous, especially when I started pointing out frauds in global warming studies that I was asked to review. That went down like a lead balloon.

There are studies on Greenland but they are not very comprehensive. The net effect from satellites according to NASA is an INCREASE in locked water on Greenland. The same is true for the Artic in general, especially Siberia. The one area where the differences are really huge is Antartica where ice thickness has increased by hundreds of metres over vast areas locking up a great deal more water than the breaking off of floating ice sheets. This is an area studied reasonably well because of the permanent presence of the US, Russians, Australians and others. The snowfall has not changed significantly but I have not been able to fund a single study to actually look into the reasons for the thickening ice.

There is now conclusive evidence that warming on a global scale is accelerating a little in the last two years. The evidence is in satellite mapping of world temperatures. This follows on from a general but by no means earthwide warming trend from 1980 on, giving us a total increase in average temperature of a bit over 0.1 degrees. If you really are interested in global warming find out how much the last cooling trend cooled the earth by in the mid 70s.


Sane=fits in. Unreasonable=world needs to fit to him. All Progress requires unreasonableness