Amusing comments. No one forced anyone to read it. Let me see, "A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
~ Macbeth

Please kill this thread."

DA Morgan. Now that is a nice scientific refutal rich with scholarly citations from current literature, showing a deep and detailed knowledge of relevant literature in the political and sociological history of the development of Eugenics and its relationship to scientific developments of the time.

From Uncle Al, "Arrogathor should be removed from this forum. Arrogathor is a boring prolix perseverative idiot. The Internet is rich with forums where he will be welcomed as a fellow hind gut fermenter."

This is a fine example of his polite and generous response to most posts on this forum. as usual he is always ready to respond with constructive criticism, urls where more accurate information can be found, and generally help in all ways to advance a more accurate understanding of current science.