Originally posted by Wolfman:
DA, add Canada and Australia to that list, they're doing alright.
Dehammer closes by suggesting that we develop Industries for the betterment of the inhabitants of this world. If they could talk, I'm sure that Orangutans, for example, would beg to differ. Oh, were you referring exclusively to the Human inhabitants? Oh, short term, pumping poison into the atmosphere and the oceans and the soil will surely not kill us. Long term is another story. Call me a wack-o (or a Scaremonger) but I think of the Earth as a closed system. Compare it to an aquarium. You can strike a balance or you can pollute it to a point where evrything but insignificant life forms can live.
please pray tell, what kind of polution does wind mills produce. what kind of hydorcarbons does electric cars produce, esp if they are being powered by solar energy. how would using these harm Orangutans. ballance does not demand getting rid of the m-i-c. it demands finding better ways of doing things we do now.

sorry but your idea of the earth being a closed system is way off. we get a lot of energy from the sun which is not in our earth. we also lose a lot of that energy to space. finding ways of using that energy would make thing better for humans, Orangutans, fish, birds and more. focusing on man only created global warming when it does not exist and things like that take away from the things that are really important. things like finding better ways to get around that dont hurt fish and birds. things like finding ways of making things work better, or to get rid of real problems like the o2 depleated areas of the gulf of mexico caused by fertilizers. instead of punishing industries for causing global warming when they are doing no such thing, we should be giving them incentives to find better ways to do those things that are harmful.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.