And New Zealand and Denmark and a lot of other places I could name.

What amazes me about dehammer's answers is that the truth is current industries ONLY benefit officers and stockholders. That is what the law requires. The law requires that "shareholder value" is maximized.

Society MAY benefit with the increase in stockholder value but the two are mutually exclusive. It also may not benefit. And right now our laws and business ethics are all based on short-term benefits.

One one at Exxon is thinking 300 years into the future. From what I understand not more than 30 years. I would like to think that the children in K-12 schools will grow up in a world in which their governments did not stick them with the tab and pollution from past short-sighted policies. Nor is a policy based on ... well we can do it but we'd better bomb other countries back into the stone age if they do it too ... a winning strategy. What happens when there are as many cars in China, per capita, as there are in the US? I think the answer is remarkably simple to ferret out.

The Texas mentality is *** think personally act personally *** and it won't work long term. There is not enough room in the solar system for a boatload of cowboys.

DA Morgan