Hi All,

This is an interesting read. All the great scientists over the centuries have encouraged their students to become literate in the history and philosophy of their subject. This has been especially true since the beginning of the 20th century with the advent of Quantum Theory and Relativity Theory. The unification of these two great theories has proven to be quite difficult and progress has been unsatifactory. It is not just a matter of technicalities and mathematical refinement. The conceptual framework needs to be reconsidered and thought about very carefully. At the same time, scientific methods and purpose also need to be brought to light.

It is sad that many professors show disdain and contempt for these things. They communicate this attitude to their students and, I feel, do them a great diservice. It is as though they wish to drive a wedge between Science and other human endevours. This kind of separation is imaginary. Science is a completely human thing.

Dr. R.