Thank you Dr. Rocket, and jjw. I have gone through the links at wikipedia and the concepts for duality and the uncertainty principle, but I feel that they fail to explain away my question. Earlier on I stated that I was new to science, and that statement was not entirely true. In college in the mid 1990's I studied physics with calculus as an electronics engineering major. Since that time I have pretty much stayed away from the fields, but have recently decided to brush up and study the two fields.

In my earlier post I questioned their statement that if quantum physics was a complete field of study then an atom cannot have x spin and z spin at the same time. I think they must have meant that an x spin and z spin cannot be measured at the same time, but it would seem obvious that they can contain both observables. I think this may be the area in which I am getting confused and I think they are either treating all observables as equal or I am.