Eek I did not realize National Geographic was so horrible.

Yes I cast spells on occassion, seeing as how others would still like to burn me at the stake I feel no guilt about calling others cranks.

My answer, is I believe none of them. Seeing as how only a century or so after the death of Christ there were sects warring about what he said and did, I choose to believe that that they are all egotists who argue over the "word of God". Truth is NO ONE REALLY KNOWS THE TRUTH!!!

Scholars will argue over everything in the Bible, your leading expert will disagree with Morgan's expert and when it comes down to it it is PERSONAL INTEPRETATION. There is no "WORD OF GOD" because if all religious writings are to be the words of god then everything that has been written about him must be true.

Sorry folks, either the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Quran and all the other holy texts that claim to be the word of god are or they are all false, as I have yet to see a real test that shows us what is the real word of god.

How does this logic work? Simple, every one of these text claim divine inspiration, so therefore they must all be right or someone is a great con artist.

How does any scholar really know the truth about Jesus? We were not there. Hell, we are constantly rewriting our own histories as nations and people. If you look at textbook written in Britain about the revolutionary war and one written here I am sure there will be several inconsistencies.

If all the Popes are God's voice and representative on earth, then they should have a direct line and never be in error correct? Yet the Pope's decisions have more often been prompted by politics and less by religion. Yet many Catholics believe the Popes are divinely inspired. So if they can be divinely inspired, who's to say this archaelogist was not divinely insprired to find this document and release it to the world for some reason that is yet to be apparent to us.

Are you willing to double guess God's divine plan? It is simple Easy, how do you or anyone on this Earth really know if any of these experts have a clue? Are you willing to bet your eternal soul on being wrong?

Think about it.....

I am sure you will ask me somewhere about my soul. My answer, hell is where all the interesting people will be and I'd much rather burn eternally with Socrates then sit next to a Bible thumper.