Hey what do you know smile thanks for the link!
heck now I have to come up with a new favorite quote!

As for the cat,lord and master analogy: define God, define magic, I probably should mention that I do not believe God owns me or cares to own me, and that I probably have a less than traditional defenition of a God (see my Santa analogy).. I guess my only real defining part of my personal belief in a God is that I am not an Atheist, I believe there is something more between heaven and earth, and I believe in a continued form of existance though not in any heaven and hell other than the ones we collectively create. I would have called myself an Atheist a couple of years ago but it is to narrow a belief for me. People seem to think in opposites and a need of a "one truth" rather than a spectrum of possibilities, a lot of wars seem to come down to that smile Ofcourse people looking for a war will find some excuse to start one, and what better than a matter of faith? somehow I don't think it would have mattered if Hitler knew the effects of inbreeding, or if somehow we knew for certain whether Jesus was god, a massiah or a prophet or just a carpenters son or any or all of the above.. the cruisades probably would have happened all the same.. and such is human nature

Yes I wish there was strong evidence one way or another, wouldn't that be nice? but maybe the scientific method just isn't the right tool for matters of faith, religion being one of the big matters of faith..

**newsflash! the flight of the Bumblebee doesn't defy the laws of science after all! makes me wonder what else is possible that we may think defies science now but doesn't?*... and the Bumblebee still flies..