Ok, forget my crappy 1ast attempt to explain my theory. Here's a much better one. Put the universe on a graph. First of all we have infinite matter so we draw a y-axis. Then, on every level of consciousness we draw an x-axis because time only matters when we have consciousness. Here is my rough idea of the orders from smallest; ????, quarks, sub atomic particles, atoms, molecules, advanced molecules (DNA), cells, tissue, organs, systems, our level, societies, communities, cities, states, countries, continents, the world, solar systems, galaxies , galaxy clusters, universes, universe clusters, ????

So you see there are many origins on this one axis, all operating at their own levels. What I think you meant earlier on when you asked where we were on this scale was where are we from the one true origin - the ultimate origin. There is no such thing as this ultimate origin because we are dealing with infinity. Sorry.