"Even if you are not making any admissions about a creator, are you really saying you cannot even conceive on a purely conjectural level that there could be anything that exists outside of physical constraints?"

EVERYTHING and I MEAN EVERYTHING has SOME KIND of explanation. there may be different versions of logic ( computer programs and sims) but that doesn't matter.

"This creator would be outside of your universe and all of its rules. To assert that the laws of this universe would have to apply to Him is like saying that the programmers of a Simulation Program would have to be bound by the laws operating within that program."

I am SO glad you said this. I have said this in some other topic but it is so important that I will say it again. Imagine THIS is the real world (I'm not saying it is, I'm just making things easy). Now imagine that I make a program with slightly different rules of logic (that SOMEHOW work) and create another universe in the computer. Now say that the people in the computer do the same. Now the people in the 3rd world have a creator. So do the people in the 2nd world. But the people in this world DO NOT. All they have is the laws of physics that were always there. You, being a tiny bit foolish at times, if you want my personal opinion, will probably say that this could also be a simulation. Well let's just conclude that there are infinite creators. Before I continue discussions with you: I also argue with a muslim friend in real life about religion, we have both agreed that when you reach the subject of infinity you can rule out 'god'. Do you comply?