I am talking to the most intelligent people found on earth.They invested their Life in search of the Truth and I do not think your psychiatrist understands how Freud obtain his thesis. And I am fully aware of what I am saying. So far there is no proof that I am anywhere near foolishness.
Yes there are few things which remains outside the boundary of Science and admit that unless Science upgrades itself I stand to face this kind of opposition from insane minds.
Talking about cures ask your psychiatrist some more questions:
1.How can he explain his standard perfect behaviour when there is so much violence in this world?Does he mean to say that George Bush , Saddam Hussein , Osama , Iran , Japan , Sir Roger Penrose,Matrix Creator all are mad when they swear by God.
2.Is your scientist more capable of explaining natural selection of the unnatural behavior?
3.Can your close friend provide answers for Manufactured Bird Flu which took extremly linearized process to come into existence in the first place. Same for the Sex which is given so much credit in his field.Is everything only and only about Sex?
4.What does he has to offer for the Mad Christ and Mad Buddha who chose to remain Silent.?
5.And finally what does he has to say about you who refuses to acknowledge the greatness of my work.
Answers are there when you understand that there are reasons beyond the normal reasoning.
So far you have taken great pain to serve the people in need .. But Honestly will you not like to save another Kind Soul who is in your knowledge.