Re Kilik

Thank goodness the above member is not star rated

Why threaten Uncle Al? I dont blame him. His tirades are his expression of others stupidness. Besides, they contain a certain amount of wry humour. His loss, would be Scienceagogo's loss.
New 'outside' readers, might wonder about our strange rated star system. They certainly find it strange that Uncle Al, who really does write genuine Science, only has 2 stars. Even with the present system, Uncle Al should merit at least a four star total.

Simplify your star system
Delete a star everytime someone deliberately writes drivel.
This will enable the outside World to reflect and understand, how this operates, within the Science Forum.
One can read elsewhere, whether members are new or old. Your using the star system to show this/or the number of postings......dos'nt mean a thing to outsiders.
Add the occasional star if you feel its right. Even completely rehash the star system. Moderators get ten, others get a max of 8.
Come on you two Moderators, moderate.
You'd give Prof Hawkins top star billing, if he wrote here, wouldnt you?
No well known University Prof:, would ever be encouraged to write, knowing he would get a two star starter.
You know how sensitive eggheads can be.
Upgrade Scienceagogo, you asked for our ideas when the Forum style changed. Its simple easy and will make more sense to outside World readers.
Your Company has expanded, move with the times. Will you do it? or say why not.


"You will never find a real Human being - Even in a mirror." ....Mike Kremer.