14 Gya?
Hiya jjw,
My comment was meant to be somewhat humorous in relation to the thread, but also...?
I'll email you a slightly better explanation, but for here:
I see space (our common 4-D space) as an artifact of, or a derivitave of, matter/energy. All matter/energy is still now compressed together (as in the big bang); still "touching," but only in the other ("true-reality") dimenions of 11 or 24, or however many dimensions there really are.
That's why I see "c" as the speed of space. It is the speed at which space propogates, or generates between two things that are interacting (evolving). Two things that are "really" touching, but by interacting, create our reality (4-D) where space appears to be inbetween the two objects.
It's just a model I use to help me break preconceptions.
Thanks for asking,

Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.