Dehammer and DA you've got away from the point of this post. I understand what the muslim cleric meant. His fear is summed up in the statement:

"The report says Bashir warns that watching such women on television can destroy the faith of a believer."

Ah! there's the rub. No-one to control or make money off if everyone gets too interested in actually living. I agree with dehammer that it is mostly religions derived from Judaism that have a problem with nudity (especially female nudity).

Dehammer you wrote:

"Few christians have a problem with jews or muslems nor do most of those two have a problem with each other or with christianity."

I beg to disagree. The point of most religions is to provide cohesion within a group. By definition they must therefore be exclusive. I was particularly interested in arguments in the US a few years ago. Fundamental Christians had difficulty accepting Muslims and Christians worshipped the same god. I found the argument amusing. All three religions maintain there is only one God (although Christians seem a little confused on the subject). Surely if there is only one God they musy all be worshipping the same one!