You do one of the best jobs of ducking I have ever seen.

You linked to a site that claimed 500K - 13M members and then duck the fact that you, for all to obvious reasons, chose the 13M number.

Strikes me as more than a bit of a statistician there.

And here's another bit of statistical dishonesty. You wrote "if Amarillo's percentage is the norm." when you also note that it is not which is why you live there.

But time to drag you back to the original point yet again. Wicca is NOT a major religion. If it was you wouldn't need to live in Amarillo and members of the cult wouldn't feel the need to lie about their belief system. You don't see Jews claiming to be Lutherans or Shias claiming to be Anglican. Basically you expose the fact that your claim of "major" just isn't. It isn't. Get over it.

DA Morgan