Amaranth, life history tend to replicate life events. An exclusive bacteria ruled world is not the monopole of which was supposed to be since early stage of earth right up to the uppermost proterozo?c horizons, but right up to nowadays taking account that all superior life forms are symbiots of bacteria. No primitive eukariote or mammalian can thrive without this precious colaboration.
Reading your post, I see how disgusting for you is this new equilibrium, claiming the irreversible loss of the original biodiversity and his equilibrium. Dry up your tears because this is only a very small aspect of the main ecosystem destruction generated by human cupidity. We got the "even garden" in Europe, now we have a wharehouse of ghost diversities. Yesterday a man was charged to have kill one of the last bear we have. His advocate want to complain legitim defence. You'll find my conter-example that pathetic because it is. Humain failled the only right he have on this planet, namely preserve original biodiversity. What's next ? A brazilian will grew a tree or a imam will own a McDonald in Irak ?

Sad century.