ROB asks:

?Should people whose brains work in a very different way to normal humans be considered human? Also, should people who's brains are structured in a way that stops them from having any memories or being self aware be regarded as 'humans', or primitive organisms??

There appear to be multiple questions here.
People whose brains work in a very different way from normal humans may be very beneficial members of the community. The issue is what kind of different way are they working. More harmful or obstructive is not welcome. Being different, of itself, is not a measure of anything important. So yes they should qualify as human- if that is a goal.

The second part: ?Also, should people whose brains are structured in a way that stops them from having any memories or being self-aware be regarded as 'humans', or primitive organisms?? This conjures a picture to me of some bedridden human looking thing that may be brain dead or some such. The ?thing?, if that is what the question is offering, usually starts out as a human for all appearances. So it is not self aware and it has no memories and the difference here, I think, is that we distinguish between what is born that handicapped and what may become the bedridden vegetable do to any number of circumstances.

When I look at the question that way the issue of being human has nothing to do with the status of the person being discussed. Obviously we are talking about a human. The make up of the brains function is not an essential criterion to qualify as human. The reduction later in life to a non-functioning state is not relevant to the determination of what was human to start with; the entire question appears to be pointless now that I have looked it over.

Another question on what I think was intended would be how severe must a baby?s handicap need to be before being judged not worth saving. In other words simply let the handicap run its course to a natural termination? I cannot begin to make a choice of that kind. I do not doubt there are some that can do so and still sleep well.